Popular Ways to Use gotLearning
Find ways for gotLearning to help you handle all of massive amounts of learning data created each day.

The gotLearning enables students and teachers to put all of their learning evidence in one place.
The gotLearning mobile app enables students and teachers to scan in hand-written work and record audio and video right into learning conversations.
Students, Teachers, Special Educators, Instructional Coaches, Counselors and School Administrators have their own roles in gotLearning.
Explore the each of the user roles in gotLearning. This links to another page on the website.
We know teachers have a finite amount of time every day. We created gotLearning to allow more engaging and effective collaborations, helping teachers and students capture and communicate about their learning as it is happening. Knowing that feedback is at the heart of learning, we are ensuring our technology tools support a teacher’s ability to provide timely, effective and personalized feedback. We are proud to introduce gotFeedback, the first classroom teacher’s feedback tool built on OpenAI’s Large Language Model API.
Learn more about gotFeedback.
gotLearning was built for personalized learning. Whether you use Roussaeau, Dewey, Montessori, Parkhurst or Sizer’s definition of personalized learning they all share the idea of meeting the individual student where they are and leading them to a new place of learning. Unlike the LMS, gotLearning is designed around the individual student.
Video is coming!
gotLearning is a learning communication platform. Because the teachers and students communicate about their learning AS it occurs you can see gotLearning builds the portfolio. Video is coming!
gotLearning enables a student and teacher to communicate and update their learning goals. Whether using gotLearning‘s tools or Google Docs, all communication and learning evidence can be kept in one place. With learning evidence being captured as it happens, reflections are much easier for a student to look back at how they learned as well as what they learned. Video coming soon!
Video coming soon!
gotLearning is an amazing platform for planning with your students for parent-teacher conferences. The student and/or teacher can easily prepare examples of learning growth over time.
Video coming soon!